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Replacing your clutch stop on G50 cars

While this is a very simple operation, I have seen almost no pics of a G50 pedal cluster or details on them online. So this is more of a backfill for the basics for anyone that may have to "go in".

What happened is I was driving, I got to a stop sign and my clutch pedal was "gone" - it was stuck on the floor. Not knowing what was wrong and being close to home I got a flatbed. Once home, I looked around and was able to pull the pedal back up. It was then I realized what had happened - my clutch stop was mangled and had caught the pedal.


Pull up your floor mats paying attention to how the top of the smaller piece by the pedals is attached to the brackets. (there are ribbons though the brackets)

Remove the gas pedal by removing the 2x10mm nuts on the lower hinge and then carefully (but forcefully) pulling the pedal off of the ball joint in the back. A ball on the end of the accelerator linkage is press-fit into a receiver on the backside of the pedal (which is plastic). Getting this part off and back on is the only tricky thing here. Strong but gentle is the idea.

Once the gas pedal is out, remove the 10mm nut at the bottom of the trim board and the nylon washer beneath it and slide it down out of the tabs along the top and out. Now you have access to the pedal cluster.

The clutch stop is mounted to the backside of the board.

Replacement is the reverse. I forgot to replace the smaller floormat first, and installed the accelerator pedal. It's fine if you do that, you just need to detach the hinge on the bottom, rotate the pedal upside down to go through the carpet and then rotate it back. I was able to press the gas pedal back on without taking any creative measures. Some folks like to immobilize the rod with a pair of vice grips. Otherwise as you push back on it, it will simply move backwards - as if you are getting on the gas.

Floor mat removed to show lower mat, and the 2x10mm bolts that attach the gas pedal hinge have been removed.

The carpet lifts up and out, exposing the trim board. It is hooked over those brackets on the top and held in place by a single 10mm nut at the bottom. There is a thick nylon washer underneath that locates it. You can see the new clutch stop in place here.

Old mangled clutch stop. There is supposed to be a rubber insert on that bracket.

Here is the G50 pedal cluster. you can see the clutch master cylinder (behind brake pedal) and the rod that actuates the brake master to the left of the brake pedal. The rod to the far right is the accelerator linkage.

master cylinder detail. The blue hose is the filler from the reservoir. There is some adjustment available by the lower clevis to take slack out of the motion. If your pedal assembly needs to be removed, you would need to detach the master cylinder, detach the brake actuator rod and then go beneath the car & remove the protective cover to get to those 2 bolts at the bottom of the assembly. Then it should just lift out.

Here are all the bits you remove: gas pedal, gas pedal hinge bolts x2, 10mm trim board nut and washer, trim board and floor mats (2). You can see the old mangled clutch stop here.

I mic'd the old one as a starting setting on the new one. You can adjust it after it is in, but I was trying to save time.

Here is the new one in place.

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