You're just driving and minding your own business, you go to close the sunroof and it starts to close but then stops and won't close any more or open.
Step 1: See if your windows go up and down. If they don't, you have blown the fuse the windows and sunroof share. That is semi-good news. Fuses are cheap, and they do sometimes "just go". If the roof gets stuck the motor could pull too much current and blow the fuse. Then the question is, "why did it get stuck".
Step 2: Manually close the sunroof. There is a magical little tool in your toolkit that lets you wind the sunroof closed by hand if something like this happens. See the pics below. The process is simple:
unzip the roof liner to expose the trim piece
Remove the trim piece to expose the sunroof motor & geatbox.
Use the screwdriver to remove the plug in the middle of the motor; screw the end of the special crank into it and then crank the sunroof closed.
Unscrew the crank and put it all back together.
Replace the fuse and see if it is working now.
If it is, congrats. If not, your roof is closed so the car won't get wet, and the Bentley manual has more advanced procedures to remove the sunroof and see what has happened. There aren't many parts.

First, find your special wrench. This funny little thing is critical. You're dead in the water without it.

Crawl into the back seat and get positioned so you can see the zipper in the headliner. This is where the sunroof mechanism is.

Unzip the headliner exposing the trim piece. Unscrew and remove the trim piece to expose the sunroof assembly

That big screw in the middled of the motor assembly is what you need to remove. Then screw the special crank into the threaded hole.

Crank the sunroof open or closed once you have the crank installed.
Remove the crank, put the screw back in, re-install the trim piece and then zip the headliner shut. Hopefully you have not thrown out your back like I did. I'm a little too old and a little too tall for this stuff.