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Zippy gets a battery

Seems to be a theme around here, old cars with old batteries. But in this case Zippy was a little funky starting sometimes - it didn't...

My "evil girlfriend" (a car story)

I was in an abusive relationship. I bought a 1997 M3 5-sp 4-door sedan via the CPO program from BMW. It had about 30,000 miles on it but...

Spitfire headgasket, Round 2

Well, we certainly tried to do it "right" but something did not work out. I broke down and had to get flat-bedded home. When I got the...

Life with a Quick Jack

I knew I would be working on the 911 quite a bit when I bought it, so I ordered an inexpensive home "lift" to help facilitate the work....

Why is the engine flat?

Why did the 911 use a horizontally opposed engine from 1964-on? It's an interesting design study. Other car makers to use a flat engine...

Let the pros handle it

"A man's gotta know his limitations" - Dirty Harry Someday I really want a barn with a proper 2-post lift in it. They are the joint. One...

Zippy gets a new throttle cable

For a 49 year old car, Zippy doesn't ask for a lot of attention. We check the oil, keep her tuned up and she does the rest. Usually. But...

Basic Routine G-Body 911 Maintenance

A journey, but here is where we are so far. By no means exhaustive but what do we think we want to do annually at least? That is the...

Adding a fire extinguisher

Not as sexy as a big wing or a Nitrous bottle, but well worth the effort. I am starting to take longer trips and longer laps at bigger...

Super car cleaning for the super lazy

"I hate buffing out wax, it's too much work". If you like a shiny car, and this is you, try this quick & easy approach. When my new old...

Replace your head gasket

One of the weak spots on the Spitfire seems to be the head gasket. This is based on my own experiences (I am doing this job for the 4th...

Replace your ball joints / Control arms

“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” - Robert Burns "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" -...

Performance Tweaks

Like any passenger car, there are a various compromises that were made as the Spitfire made it's way to various markets around the world,...

Making a trick distributor

The stock Delco in the '74 Spitfire was very handy with respect to finding parts - it used Chevy 6-cylinder points. I could find those...

Restoring and installing SU Carbs

I had the stock Stromberg emissions carb when I got the car. It's hard to tune, has a terrible intake manifold and does not really work...

"Gone Racing"

3 auto-x last year, 2 so far this year out of a 6 event season. I am running on my street tires and up until this last event I was...

Replace your rear shocks

"In theory, theory and practice are the same in practice they're different". - some smart quotey guy I know On paper it's a nut up top...

Paint your tired looking wheels!

One of the first things I did after I bought the car was clean it and then buff out the paint. I also replaced broken or cloudy lenses on...

Fix your front bumper bellows

The principle "driver" behind the 1974 re-design were US bumper laws. The cars had to be able to take a 5mph hit with no damage. So we...

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